Thursday, February 28, 2008

Week 8, Thing #19 - LibraryThing

I've had a good time using Library Thing. I enjoyed seeing the lists of others who had read the same books that I had. I can see that this could become quite addictive. I was amazed to see how many groups there are associated with Library Thing. I joined the Children's Fiction group. I also invited my daughter to join Library Thing. She often is looking for recommendations for her book group.

I'm thinking of also starting a library that lists the childrens' books that I always recommend - or should I do that in a blog, or a wiki, or which of the many tools we've looked at in the past few weeks?!?!? I really have to start thinking about the right tool for the information that I want to put out there.

1 comment:

DRN said...

I like the idea of hosting a virtual library for book recommendations on Library Thing. There are so many options to explore!